Major Dates, Forms

MAJOR DATES CALENDAR for the school year 2020-21 may be downloaded HERE.  This most recent calendar is as of July 8, 2020.

Health Appraisal Form is to be submitted by all 7th, 9th, and 11 graders.  It is due in September.  It is also to be submitted by a student-athlete who is on an Ursuline sports team, and is due before her sports season.

Health Service Form is to be submitted by an Ursuline student who lives in any of the 5 boroughs of NYC. It is to be accompanied by a copy of a Con Ed bill.  These are due in September.

Medications. Any student who must take medication at school must submit two forms -   you may download the Medication Administration Form HERE and the Provider Attestation and Parent Permission for Independent Medication Carry and Use form HERE. This applies to students who might take Advil or Tylenol as well as prescription medicines and inhalers for asthma. Those who have asthma MUST have their inhalers at school.

Channels of Communication may be downloaded Here.

Student Work Forms. In response to parent requests, the New York State AT-17 form, Application for Employment Certificate, may be downloaded Here.

Athletic forms are posted on the website under Athletics.